'This is the place for you and me... now we need to choose our MEPs!'
...to paraphrase Sir Christer of Sjögren.
And indeed, it's that time once again; the Euro-elections are upon us, and as any Eurofan knows, the only vote worth making is a firmly pro-Europe one. So anyone voting in London better be voting for:
'Yes2Europe'. (Ignore the ridiculous insertion numeral which makes the party sound more like a mobile phone shop.)
Unfortunately the party appears to be pretty regional, so those of you living elsewhere (ie Birmingham) are stuck with the usual lot. Which is fine, but if anyone lets their pen wander anywhere the UKIP box on the voting form, Svante will be round with his henchmen to kick your door down. Don't say you weren't warned.
Anyway, in celebration, we're counting down the top three tunes celebrating European integration.
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